What Can We Do For You?

Generating Greater Competitive Advantage


Our ultimate, long term goal is to help transform the businesses we work with into true game changers in their fields. There is no quick, easy or cheap way to achieve this but by starting the journey with serious intent you will gain significant advantages and benefits along the way.


The short to medium term objective is to enable you to generate and exploit a substantially greater competitive advantage. This requires you to become noticeably different and better than your competitors. By working holistically and simultaneously on the various necessary growth, transformation and innovation strategies, your progress to superior profitability is accelerated and greater benefits are accrued earlier.


With greater competitive advantage being the primary focus, you will achieve significant returns on your investments in improvements right from the start of your journey. By bringing in new ideas and solutions, immediate gains come from identifying and addressing those key issues that are holding you back.

The Benefits of Working with Act 2 Transform


Act 2 Transform is a growing consortium of independent business consultancy, coaching and facilitation experts. 


Act 2 Transform Ltd is your primary point of contact; this structure provides you with many benefits over dealing with individual small, and/or large corporate consultancies.

  • The convenience, efficiency and time saving advantages of having a single point of contact but with direct access to a wide variety of acknowledged experts.

  • The cost benefits linked to the ability to scale up or down quickly as your requirements change without having to agree new contracts.

  • Greater breadth & depth of expertise with access to a wider variety of tools producing quicker and more powerful solutions.

  • Our diversity helps to create more imaginative and innovative responses to your issues.
  • Working with leaders from a range of industries provides you with different independent views and an entrepreneurial approach, generating faster results and increased financial returns.

Our robust, 2-tier governance ensures we eliminate ‘corporate baggage’, avoid conflicts of interest and are always working to the best of our ability for the benefits of our clients, not to support the designs of any institutional investors. All operations are quality controlled by a steering committee which in turn reports to the Act 2 Transform Board of Directors.


This provides you with the security and peace of mind of having consultants’ performance monitored and policed to ensure the highest standards.

  • The shared responsibility for quality, combined with the close peer scrutiny and mutual support that exists within a consortium, leads to a continuous improvement in services.

  • Consultants can be switched seamlessly to maintain standards and quality of service delivery.

Board of Directors

Dr John Jebb


John has been involved in the successful development, launch and growth of a number of services and products and has a particular interest in applying and adapting competition theory to different business models. In addition to being a director of Act 2 Transform, he is also currently the Managing Director of Accretis Ltd – the Innovation and Talent consultants. Prior to founding Accretis he ran a combined international management consultancy and Executive Search business for 15 years. His previous industry experience includes 13 years as a senior executive, with global responsibility, in many roles within the biotechnology and other life science based sectors.


John has a breadth of experience in production and process systems improvement, development and scale up; process, service and product innovation; supply chain operations; cost control; talent recruitment, management & development; research & development; technology & information transfer; sales & marketing and change/transformation management.


John’s specialist knowledge and skills, particularly as applied to Act 2 Transform clients, include facilitation and coaching of innovation programmes; leadership development; talent acquisition and deployment optimisation; vision development, translation and strategic implementation; facilitating problem solving; ideas creation, capture, evaluation and exploitation; collaborative working and continuous improvement systems development.


John Mellor


John brings a wealth of experience and knowledge of business consultancy and delivering manufacturing excellence to Act 2 Transform clients. He is also currently a Director of JNBS Ltd providing strategic, and manufacturing, business coaching to a wide variety of companies across several industry sectors. Previously he held the position of director and owner of Action 4 Business Ltd for 11 years, prior to its acquisition by Stafforce Personnel Group. Before entering the consultancy arena John held several senior positions in the manufacturing and automotive sectors for 13 years.

For more than 25 years, John's area of expertise has been in the manufacturing arena working across sectors such as high volume hand tools, automotive, aerospace, robotics, nuclear and food & drink. His core skills include, Lean business practices; strategic operational management; change management; continuous improvement; problem solving; 5S; TPM; SMED; Value Stream mapping; driving up profitability through change; innovation.

John’s approach to helping Act 2 Transform clients is a holistic one. In today’s business environment, quality, process and cost improvements need to be fully integrated. John’s in-depth knowledge and application of Lean business systems will help improve and streamline your organisation’s processes, developing a ‘can-do’ culture that delivers improved bottom line performance. Integral to his approach is the development of the right leaders and teams who can advance the vision, solve the problems and sustain the improvements.


Simon Quarmby


Simon is a transformation specialist who, over the last 30 years, has gained the skills and experience needed to help organisations implement the tools and solutions that enable teams of really engaged people to perform effectively and efficiently.


He has deep specialist knowledge regarding the technical tasks required to identify the actual issues, determine effective solutions and deliver successful improvements in process, technology or structure. Understanding that change is ‘people driven’, however, leads him to focus also on how individuals are impacted and to determine their ‘best path’ through the transition. This is especially important where a number of simultaneous changes are to be made and a holistic approach is needed to ensure alignment and engagement of people working in different areas of the operation.


Simon’s sector experience includes automotive, manufacturing, oil / chemical, financial services and local government. He has had senior roles in production and quality management, supply chain / procurement, R&D and project governance. Since 2003, he has been providing business consultancy and coaching to clients of all sizes both in the UK and abroad.


Nigel Trant


As a founding director of Act 2 Transform, Nigel applies the benefit of years of valuable experience of process improvement, quality systems and innovation management to our clients. A business consultant since 1999 he has delivered through the Growth Accelerator programme, Enterprising Barnsley business support and the EU Framework programme.  He is also a director of JN Business Services Ltd, providing bespoke coaching, training and business improvement services to a wide range of organisations and sectors. Nigel’s industry background includes production engineering, process engineering and project management.


Nigel has a breadth of knowledge in areas vital to the development of business including: strategy, planning, process improvement, Lean and quality. His experience includes working with companies in the Nuclear, Aerospace, Textile, Manufacturing, Food and Drink, and IT sectors.


Amongst his specialities, Nigel delivers management and lean business improvement training including accredited skills. He runs workshops on Lean, Office Lean and ISO introduction and review. Other specialist areas include operational management, engineering change, Lean manufacturing, Lean business, process management, project design and implementation.

Any queries? Is there something we can help you with right now?

Please call us on 01904 403075 or use our contact form.

Helping clients generate competitive advantage

through Growth, Transformation & Innovation

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+44(0)1904 403075




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